Chocolate Covered Pomegranate

Beginnings carry with them excitement and anticipation mingled in with a touch of apprehension. That is how I feel about this new endeavor: both giddy and nervous. But the possibilities are endless and the potential infinite. That is the magic of a new year; a new blog.

Welcome to my little creative enclave. I hope you enjoy.

The theme for my first post is the pomegranate. The symbolic fruit best represents our wishes for a new year filled with health, blessings, and prosperity.

And what better delicacy than

Chocolate Covered Pomegranate Seeds


Use 2 cups of seeds (from approximately 2 large pomegranates)

8oz. of Bittersweet or Semisweet Chocolate

 (yes, your toddler may steal a few...)


1. Line a cookie sheet with wax or parchment paper

2. In a double boiler, temper chocolate until fully melted.

3. Mix in the Pomegranate seeds

4. Drop spoonfuls onto paper. Refrigerate.

Voila! A simple treat you can present your host or serve your guests!

I wish you all a Shana Tova U'Metuka. May your upcoming year be filled with successes, accomplishments and new beginnings. And may it be as fruitful as a pomegranate.